Important Notice: Eye Drop Recall

At Henry J. Austin Health Center, your safety is our main concern. The FDA recently issued a warning about specific over-the-counter eye drop products that could pose risks to your eye health. These products have been linked to manufacturing issues that might lead to eye infections, which could even result in vision problems or blindness.

Understanding Diabetes: A Closer Look at Type 1 and Type 2

November is National Diabetes Month, a time to raise awareness and learn about this health condition that affects 37.3 million people in the United States. That’s about 11.3% of the people in the country. At Henry J. Austin Health Center (HJAHC), we want to make sure you understand how to take care of your health. Let's explore what diabetes is, the different types, and what you should know to stay healthy.

A Healthier Thanksgiving

If you want a healthier Thanksgiving meal, you can get help from Henry J. Austin Health Center’s (HJAHC) Nutrition Services to help you make smarter food choices. Whether you're making the meal yourself or enjoying food that someone shares with you, it's important to think about making it healthy.

Raising Awareness for Men’s Health

November marks the beginning of "Movember," an annual campaign focused on men's health awareness. This campaign covers issues such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health, and suicide prevention. Men can show their support by growing mustaches and encouraging open conversations about health and regular check-ups.

Wellness Wednesday: Reduce Food Waste

Welcome to a Wellness Wednesday that's all about transformation: turning leftovers into new meals or snacks! Did you know that Americans toss out 120 billion pounds of food each year? That's a lot of delicious potential wasted. But don’t worry, there's a better way, especially as the holiday season approaches.

Wellness Wednesday: Self Care

On this Wellness Wednesday, we're diving into the world of self-care. It's all about making yourself feel good and happy, regardless of how busy your schedule may be. Today, we'll explore some simple steps you can add to your daily routine, like meditation, daily walks, journaling, and other activities. We all want to be happy and healthy, and these easy tips can help make that happen.

Making Halloween Sensory-Friendly

Tips for Supporting Kids with Sensory Processing Issues

Halloween is a time of excitement and imagination, with costumes, candies, and spooky surprises. But for children with sensory processing issues, this holiday can bring unique challenges. Sensory processing issues can make experiences, like costumes and decorations, overwhelming for kids. However, with a little creativity and understanding, parents and caregivers can help make Halloween an enjoyable and inclusive experience for all children. In this article, we'll explore some practical tips for creating a sensory-friendly Halloween and ensuring that your child feels safe and comfortable.

The Vital Importance of Breast Cancer Awareness and Screenings at HJAHC

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an annual reminder of the crucial importance of early detection, education, and support for individuals and families affected by breast cancer. Henry J. Austin Health Center (HJAHC) is deeply committed to the well-being of the Trenton community and believes that knowledge and early intervention are the keys to preventing and effectively treating breast cancer.

Supporting Youth Recovery: A Shared Journey Towards Healing and Hope

At Henry J. Austin Health Center (HJAHC), we know that recovery isn't something you do on your own; it's a journey we take together toward healing and hope. This week, we want to talk about how important families and caregivers are in helping young people with their recovery.
As parents or guardians, it's crucial to recognize the subtle signs and signals that may indicate a young person is grappling with addiction or on the road to recovery. These challenges are complex and can manifest in various ways, from academic struggles to emotional turbulence.

Promoting Malaria Awareness and Prevention

According to the CDC's report, Florida and Texas have recently experienced an outbreak of locally transmitted Plasmodium Vivax Malaria cases. Malaria is a life-threatening disease caused by parasites transmitted through infected mosquitoes and continues to be a significant public health concern worldwide. This serves as a stark reminder that malaria isn't limited to specific regions and can affect any area where infected mosquitoes thrive, including New Jersey. Symptoms of malaria include cyclical fever with chills, headache, weakness, vomiting, and diarrhea. If you suspect signs of malaria, we encourage you to visit or call 609-278-5900 to be seen by a provider.