High Blood Pressure during Pregnancy: Understanding the Risk and Protecting Your Health

Pregnancy is a special time in a woman's life, filled with joy and anticipation. However, it's also a period that demands careful attention to one's health, as certain conditions can pose risks to both the mother and the baby. High blood pressure during pregnancy, a condition known as gestational hypertension, deserves our attention. Recent studies have shed light on the greater risk of pre-eclampsia among black women in the United States (US).

Protecting Your Child’s Skin: Common Rashes and How to Prevent Scratching

School’s out and it’s time for your kids to enjoy the sunshine and fun! It's important to know about common skin rashes in kids. Skin rashes can be concerning, but most of them are harmless and can be treated easily. We'll focus on insect bites, poison ivy, and a contagious skin condition called impetigo. We'll also provide some helpful tips to prevent kids from scratching and making things worse.

Men and Women’s Health Awareness 

This year, National Women's Health Week begins on May 8 and National Men's Health Week on June 12. While men and women have the same goal of being healthy, it’s important to acknowledge the different biological and social factors of both genders as well as understanding the differences in order to take necessary steps for a healthier lifestyle.

Fuel for the Future

National Nutrition Month is celebrated every March to raise awareness about the importance of healthy eating and physical activity. This year’s theme is Fuel for the Future. “This message encourages us to think about making food choices that are both good for the future of our health as well as the health of the earth and the environment,” said Susan Jones, RDN, HJAHC resident nutritionist. By making sustainable food choices, we can help reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to a healthier planet.

Most adult smokers want to quit. But less than 1/3 are using proven methods to help.

The Surgeon General put out the first report on smoking and health back in 1964. Since then, smoking among U.S. adults has gone from 43% to about 14% in 2018. But even though the numbers have improved, it’s still the leading preventable cause of death and disease in this country.
Learn more about the steps you can take to quit smoking and stay healthy.

Mental Health Hotlines with Lee

Reach out to HJAHC if you want to speak with one of our counselors at 609-278-5900. HOTLINES:   Emergency Mental Health Services- Capital Health: 609-396-4357(HELP)  Perform Care: 877-652-7624  Mercer County Office of Addictions: 609-989-6897  Mercer County Mental Health Services: 609-989-6574  A...

Self Care with Demetrius

The American Psychiatric Association defines mental illness as “health conditions involving changes in emotion, thinking or behavior (or a combination of these)” and “are associated with distress and/or problems functioning in social, work or family activities.” They note that “mental...

COVID Data Tracker

Henry J. Austin Health Center recommends you subscribe to the CDC data tracker. This will help you stay up to date with COVID-19 information across the country. From latest editions, we can see that the highest hospitalization rates among all...