Pharmacist-led review of empagliflozin and ertugliflozin following formulary update
Looking for affordable prescriptions? Look to Henry J. Austin Health Center.
Prescription medicines can be expensive, especially when you’re getting them for your whole family. Why not see if you can save on them without giving up on convenience? HJAHC has a pharmacy nearby that’s open to all residents in Trenton and Mercer County.
Enjoy the Holidays, Eat Healthy, and Stay Healthy with a Few Tips
The holidays are a great time for people to get together with family and friends to celebrate traditions. Sometimes these gatherings involve food; and a lot of it! Here are some quick tips to stay healthy while celebrating.
Impact of pharmacist-led chronic disease management in a Federally Qualified Health Center
Dr. Caitlin McCarthy conducted a study on how more pharmacist-driven services can decrease the number of patients suffering from chronic disease.
Pharmacists improve diabetes outcomes: a randomized controlled trial.
There is a growing shortage of primary care physicians. Pharmacists can fill the gap, and interdisciplinary teams are being evaluated as part of health care reform.