
Henry J. Austin Health Center welcomes and encourages interns and students from local colleges and universities to learn for training.  Through internships or practical education, students learn by undertaking tasks and assignments in specific departments and are assigned a preceptor who is a person who guides, tutors, and provides direction aimed at a specific performance. Students at HJAHC apply during the corresponding school semester schedule they are enrolled in.  HJAHC students gain a knowledgeable understanding of the workforce‐of, both students and professionals, and a more significant skill set. If you are a student at a college or university and wish to learn and be part of one of our joint educational partnerships, they are also several opportunities available at Henry J. Austin Health Center. We currently have learning partnership programs with the following institutions:


Rutgers Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy

  • Pharmacist Students

Rutgers, School of Health Professions, Interprofessional Education

  • Psychiatric Advanced Nurse Practitioner Students
  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker Students
  • Rehabilitation Counselor

The College of New Jersey

  • Advanced Nurse Practitioner Students


  • Please email Raegan Gautam regarding potential internship opportunities. She will work with you to determine if there are any suitable openings that meet your requirements.  
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