Celebrating Social Workers Day and the Vital Role of Social Workers in Improving Patients’ Lives

Social Work Month is among the many celebrations in March, with Social Workers Day being celebrated on the third Tuesday of the month. Social work is vital to any community, and it was particularly important during the pandemic. In the face of an unprecedented challenge, social workers played a crucial role in helping people cope with the pandemic and promoting resilience and well-being and continue to play a critical role in the lives of HJAHC patients.

Most adult smokers want to quit. But less than 1/3 are using proven methods to help.

The Surgeon General put out the first report on smoking and health back in 1964. Since then, smoking among U.S. adults has gone from 43% to about 14% in 2018. But even though the numbers have improved, it’s still the leading preventable cause of death and disease in this country.
Learn more about the steps you can take to quit smoking and stay healthy.

Wheels to Wellness (MHU)

Trenton, NJ. – Many obstacles may stand in the way of residents getting to their onsite provider for their healthcare needs. Henry J. Austin Health Center brings patient care directly to the community with its Mobile Health Unit (MHU). Proudly...

COVID Data Tracker

Henry J. Austin Health Center recommends you subscribe to the CDC data tracker. This will help you stay up to date with COVID-19 information across the country. From latest editions, we can see that the highest hospitalization rates among all...