Meet Aaron, a loyal patient at HJAHC, urging men to prioritize their health. 'Men really don't like going to the doctor, and I don't understand why.' Discover Aaron's story and advice in our latest video.
Monica’s Path to Healing: The Power of Project HOPE
Meet Monica, an inspiring participant in the ongoing research project at Henry J. Austin Health Center called Project HOPE - Hypertension Optimization through Patient Engagement.
Painting Away Pain: Eileen’s Story of Resilience
Meet Eileen, a valued patient at Henry J. Austin Health Center (HJAHC). She visits Sam Malestein, LCSW, for her mental health treatment. Their work together has empowered Eileen to navigate her challenges with pain. These treatment services that have benefited Eileen are available to all HJAHC patients.
World Kindness Day
Meet Josephine, a resilient patient at Henry J Austin Health Center, who embodies kindness and strength. She wisely states, "Being strong helps you get better, not worse. Keep moving forward."
Yolanda Wimbley
Yolanda was introduced to Henry J. Austin Health Center in 1974. Since then, she's become a familiar face at HJAHC. Hear Yolanda's story in this video.
Debbie Holland
Debbie has been a patient for over 30 years. Hear what has kept her coming back in this short video.
Bringing Smiles Back to Patients
Sheran describes her life as a J.O.B.: the J stands for Journey, the O for Opportunity, and the B for Blessing.