COVID-19 Testing Now Available

Saliva tests provide easier, safer experience for both patients and healthcare workers.

TRENTON, NJ – Henry J. Austin Health Center is now offering COVID-19 saliva tests to the community by appointment, at no cost for patients without health insurance.

The COVID-19 saliva test is a more comfortable and less invasive option than a nasal swab test to diagnose active infection with the novel coronavirus. Tests are available for HJAHC’s adult and pediatric patients at 321 N. Warren Street and their mobile health unit throughout Trenton.

“We hope having this type of test available for the Trenton community encourages more residents to get tested,” said Dr. Rachael Evans, Chief Medical Officer at Henry J. Austin Health Center (HJAHC).  “Testing enables us to identify those with infections, provide quick treatment and immediate isolation to prevent spread. I am so proud of our team for their hard work to make this available – especially for our underserved community.”

To receive a test, you must be a current patient, you must have been seen by a HJAHC provider within the past year, or you must schedule a telemedicine visit with an HJAHC provider. Telemedicine appointments are often available the same day, as requested.

No identification or health insurance is required to obtain a COVID-19 test with HJAHC. All health and personal information gathered is kept confidential and private and not shared with the federal government. HJAHC also has resources for patients who are uninsured, self-pay or need transportation to our facility.

“Since launching COVID-19 saliva testing on July 1, 2020, we have performed 92 tests, with 8% positive rate,” said Tyler Henderson, Primary Care Director at HJAHC. “To prevent wider COVID-19 infection, our providers urge the community to avoid crowded places, wear a face mask or covering outside your home, stay at least six feet away from others outside your household and wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds.”

To find the most up to date information on COVID-19 and testing in Trenton please visit the Trenton Health Team’s webpage at, If you have questions or would like more information about COVID-19 testing or how to make a telemedicine appointment please contact media and communications specialist, Jen Yaeger, at or visit


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