HJAHC is committed to providing high quality care that is fair, responsive, and accountable to the needs of our patients and their families.

We are committed to providing our patients and their families with a means to not only receive appropriate healthcare and related services, but also to address any concerns they may have regarding such services. We encourage all our patients to be aware of their rights and responsibilities and to take an active role in maintaining and improving their health and strengthening their relationships with our healthcare providers and teams.

  1. Receive high quality care based on professional standards of practice, regardless of his/her (or his/her family’s) ability to pay for such services
  1. Obtain services without discrimination on the basis of: race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, age, religion, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation or preference, marital status, socio-economic status, or diagnosis/condition
  1. Be treated with courtesy, consideration and respect by all HJAHC staff at all times and under all circumstances, in a manner that respects his/her dignity and privacy
  1. Be informed of the HJAHC Privacy Policies and Procedures, as the policies relate to individually identifiable health information
  1. Expect that HJAHC will keep all medical records confidential and will release such information only with his/her written authorization, in response to court order or subpoenas, or as otherwise permitted or required by law
  1. Access, review, and/or copy his/her medical records upon request at a mutually designated time (or, as appropriate, have a legal custodian access, review, and/or copy such records) and request amendment to such records
  1. Know the name and qualifications of all individuals responsible for his/her healthcare and be informed of how to contact these individuals
  1. Request a different healthcare provider if he/she is dissatisfied with the person assigned to him/her by HJAHC.
  1. Receive a complete, accurate, easily understood, culturally and linguistically competent explanation of (and, as necessary, other information regarding) any diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and/or planned course of treatment, alternatives (including no treatment), and associated risks/benefits
  1. Receive information regarding the availability of support services, including: translation/interpretation, transportation, and education services
  1. Receive sufficient information to participate fully in decisions related to his/her healthcare and to provide informed consent prior to any diagnostic or therapeutic procedure (except in emergencies). If a patient is unable to participate fully, he/she has the right to be represented by parents, guardians, family members or other designated surrogates
  1. Ask questions (at any time before, during, or after receiving services) regarding any diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and/or planned course of treatment, alternatives and risks, and receive understandable answers to such questions
  1. Refuse any treatment (except as prohibited by law), be informed of the alternatives and/or consequences of refusing treatment, which may include HJAHC having to inform the appropriate authorities of this decision, and express preferences regarding any future treatments
  1. Obtain another medical opinion prior to any procedure
  1. Be informed if any treatment is for purposes of research or is experimental in nature, and be given the opportunity to provide his/her informed consent before such research or experiment will begin (unless such consent is otherwise waived)
  1. Develop advance directives and be assured that all healthcare providers will comply with those directives in accordance with law
  1. Designate a surrogate to make healthcare decisions if he/she is or becomes incapacitated
  1. Ask for and receive information regarding his/her financial responsibility for the services
  1. Receive an itemized copy of the bill for his/her services, an explanation of charges, and description of the services that will be charged to his/her insurance
  1. Request any additional assistance necessary to understand and/or comply with HJAHC’s administrative procedures and rules, access healthcare and related services, participate in treatments, or satisfy payment obligations
  1. File and grievance or complaint about HJAHC or its staff without fear of discrimination or retaliation and have it resolved in a fair, efficient and timely manner
  1. Providing accurate personal, financial, insurance, and medical information (including all current treatments and medications) prior to receiving services from HJAHC and our healthcare Providers
  1. Following all administrative and operational rules and procedures posted within HJAHC facilities
  1. Behaving at all times in a polite, courteous, considerate, and respectful manner to all HJAHC staff and patients, including respecting the privacy and dignity of other patients
  1. Supervising his/her children while at HJAHC
  1. Refraining from abusive, harmful, threatening, or rude conduct towards other patients and HJAHC staff
  1. Not carrying any type of weapon or explosive into HJAHC
  1. Keeping all scheduled appointments and arriving on time
  1. Notifying HJAHC no less than 24 hours (or as soon as possible within 24 hours) prior to an appointment that he/she cannot keep as scheduled. For an explanation of our “Did Not Keep Appointment” Policy, please refer to page 25 of this handbook
  1. Participating in and following the treatment plan recommended by his/her healthcare providers, to the extent he/she is able, and working with providers to achieve desired health outcomes
  1. Asking questions if her or she does not understand the explanation of (or information regarding) his/her diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and/or planned course of treatment, alternatives or associated risks/benefits, or any other information provided to him/her regarding services
  1. Providing an explanation to his/her healthcare providers if refusing to (or unable to) participate in treatment, to the extent he/she is able, and clearly communicating wants and needs
  1. Informing his/her healthcare providers of any changes or reactions to medication and/or treatment
  1. Familiarizing himself or herself with his/her health benefits and any exclusions, deductibles, co-payments, and treatment costs
  1. As applicable, making a good faith effort to meet financial obligations, including promptly paying for services provided
  1. Advising HJAHC of any concerns, problems, or dissatisfaction with services provided or the manner in which (or by whom) they are furnished
  1. Utilizing all services, including grievance and complaint procedures, in a responsible, non-abusive manner, consistent with the rules and procedures of HJAHC (including being aware of HJAHC’s obligation to treat all patients in an efficient and equitable manner)

These Patients’ Rights and Responsibilities are consistent with those set forth by the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC).

HJAHC is accredited by The Joint Commission. The Joint Commission inspects hospitals and places like HJAHC to ensure healthcare facilities are meeting quality standards. Accreditation ensures that the healthcare organization works by certain guidelines to help make sure patient safety and quality standards are followed. We would like to address any concerns that you may have about your care, treatment, or services. Please speak to any staff member for assistance and if they cannot address your issue, please contact (609) 278-6363 or fill out our form below and someone will contact you.

You can also contact The Joint Commission at (800) 994–6610 if you feel a concern has not been satisfied at HJAHC.

Submit a Grievance

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