It is the responsibility of the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) to serve as the IRB Chair at HJAHC. It is the responsibility of the IRB Chair or designee to:

  • Review proposed human research protocols to determine if they require IRB review.
  • Determine the type of review required of proposed human research projects.
  • Provide information regarding the HJAHC IRB policies, processes, and requirements to Principal Investigators (PIs) of proposed human research projects.
  • Maintain an active IRB committee and to ensure the composition of the IRB committee meets the requirements set forth in this policy.
  • Maintain a list of those individual members of the IRB committee who have sufficient experience and training to conduct facilitated and expedited reviews of proposed human research projects.
  • Assign primary reviewers to conduct facilitated and/or expedited reviews of proposed human research projects, where appropriate.
  • Convene full IRB meetings to discuss proposed human research projects.
  • Notify PIs of decisions to approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove proposed human research projects.

Policies and Review Process
